February 14, 2008

  • happen valentine’s day.

    happen valentine’s day. after going several years without having one, it’s kinda nice to have one this year.

    after spending all sorts of time at greeting card shops though, i couldn’t find anything that i really liked. for starters, why is it that they all have to say “love”? what if you aren’t yet or are not sure if you love someone? what if you just like them a lot? and then what’s with all the crap poetry they throw inside the cards? why not a simple, “happy valentine’s day” message inside? it was absolutely aggravating looking for a card. the result? i bought construction paper and elmer’s glue and jimmy rigged one up at home. the result:

    i’d have to say it’s a much more charming card than the options i found in stores.

    as for the recipient of the card… well, that’s just a different blog post altogether. two questions for myself though–

    1) why can’t i just fully let myself enjoy it/us? why am i still holding back feelings?

    2) in answer to question one, it’s because i’m afraid that this might just not work out. the reality is, we fight, we bicker. we’ve broken up once and were on the verge of breaking up a second time. our track record isn’t great. i’m just being realistic and not investing too much so as to not get hurt. but in thinking this way, is it a self-fulfilling prophecy?

    more later.

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